We Build Professionals

Celebrating 25 years of excellence in education.


Need to brush up on your business acumen? GENESIS business programs offer lessons on topics including proven operating plans, sales and marketing tips, project management strategies, company valuation tricks, design and construction agreement, profitability, customer buying trends, etc.

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upcoming and on-demand courses

See a course below that you're interested in taking that isn't currently on our schedule? Contact us.

Interested in bringing GENESIS faculty to your office/facility to meet with your team? An in-person GENESIS program tailored to your team would save travel time and expenses for your staff and provide all with the same education to provide your company with an edge over the competition. Contact Jeanne Mendelson, PHTA Vice President of Education and Events.


Level 100 Courses

Learning Objectives

  • Examine how your energy, or “Ki”, influences others both positively and negatively.
  • Recognize how to improve your Ki through self-development, experiences, and lifestyle improvements.
  • Discuss how to harmonize your body, heart, and spirit to project confidence and positive energy to your family, employees, and clients.
  • Use your energy to live a happier, more productive, and longer life.


The Samurai believed in a power that flowed through the universe and that they could tap into this power by being in harmony with it. Learn to become a true Samurai, which means “one who serves.” See how this ability to serve can make you indispensable and bring you respect, honor, power, wealth, and happiness.


2:00 hrs

See all upcoming and on-demand business courses.

Learning Objectives

  • Great food and wine.
  • Interact with the GENESIS® family.
  • Learn by sharing ideas in a relaxed environment.


All work and no play makes for a dull day. This is not an accredited program and the hours do not satisfy certification or continuing education requirements. Topics include travel, winetasting, book signings, tours, and other social functions.



See all upcoming and on-demand business courses.

Learning Objectives

  • Discuss customers' purchasing priorities in 2020.
  • Examine what new trends have emerged.
  • Review future purchasing trends.


2020 changed our world. No one will forget how the buying trends turned from halted vacations and social distancing to the hoarding of sanitizers and paper products. As we look to transition, your customer's priorities and purchases will have changed. This session will provide you a look at what purchasing trends have started and what is planned to continue through 2021 and the remainder of the '20s.


1:00 hrs

See all upcoming and on-demand business courses.

Level 200 Courses

Learning Objectives

  • Identify what your personal style is.
  • Illustrate and improve your level of customer satisfaction.
  • Discuss who your clients are, and who isn’t your client.
  • Develop your ability to focus on the most important things first.
  • Identify how to take command of the work/life balance and play as hard as you work.


Looking for that edge on finding the right clientele for you and your business? This course is for you. The instructor will take you through a plan of identifying your best clientele, establishing confidence in your customer service, and leading your team through a project, all while maintaining the goal of keeping your work/life balance.


1:00 hrs

See all upcoming and on-demand business courses.

Learning Objectives

  • Review how business changed in 2020.
  • Discuss lead management.
  • Discuss future planning.


At a time when many businesses were shut down or ran at a loss, the pool and spa industry exploded. With the realization of homeschooling, canceled vacations, and limited activities, consumers reinvested into their homes for a slice of happiness. During this session, our panel of builders and designers will discuss how they handled the onslaught of leads and discuss prioritization and what changes they'll make for the future.


1:00 hrs

See all upcoming and on-demand business courses.

Level 300 Courses

Learning Objectives

  • Define your client’s needs and wants.
  • Distinguish yourself, your firm, and your services in the best light.
  • Examine how to think differently about the design and sales process.
  • Use value-based selling techniques to quickly discover who your clients will buy from.


Learn to get to know your clients to best meet their needs and present your products and services in the best light. Identify your unique attributes and exceed expectations and minimum building standards to provide more value and trust with your clients. Understand the “interview” sales approach to discovering what your clients truly want and how to give it to them. Use certain selling techniques to quickly find out what type of client you are dealing with and who they will buy from.


1:75 hrs

See all upcoming and on-demand business courses.

Learning Objectives

  • List potential liabilities, limitations of liability, and ways to avoid liability.
  • List documents that are important in the defense of liability including agreements, soils reports, drawings, specifications, change orders, etc.
  • Describe how to handle potential litigation and what to do if you have a construction defect, warranty claim, or breach of contract issue.
  • List issues to consider when asked to look at a competitor's construction defect or when asked to work on a problem project.


Avoiding litigation is always the best practice, but sometimes, no matter how well you perform, you may be named in a suit even if a problem is the direct result of someone else's work. Learn how to protect yourself and your company with contractual considerations and real-world experience. It is always better to learn from the mistakes of others, and these instructors will share a bit of their expert witness experience with the class.


1:25 hrs

See all upcoming and on-demand business courses.

Learning Objectives

  • Review overhead, expenses, markup, gross margin, and profit.
  • Discuss what is an appropriate markup or gross margin.
  • Identify what your products and services are worth. What are you worth?
  • Define your value and find ways to improve it.


Determine how much your product or service is worth based on your costs, overhead, and after what you think is a fair return or profit. Whether you are a small service company, retail store, or a large builder, the formulas are similar. Everyone in business should constantly review his or her costs and profitability in our continually changing industry.


1:5 hrs

See all upcoming and on-demand business courses.


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upcoming and on-demand courses


PHTA Strategic Partners

  • BioLab
  • Fluidra
  • Hayward
  • Heritage Pool Supply Group
  • LOU
  • Lyon Financial
  • Pentair
  • Solenis
  • WatkinsWellness