Jan Moyer Design, LLC
Scottsdale, AZ
(518) 235-4756

Janet Lennox Moyer, IALD, an internationally known lighting designer. As a recipient of many design awards, she has also she judged lighting competitions, been published extensively in magazines, newspapers, and books and has taught all over the world since serving as teaching assistant for her undergraduate lighting course at Michigan State University.
Moyer’s practice has included interior, commercial, and residential lighting, but her emphasis shifted to landscape lighting in 1983. Moyer taught landscape lighting at UC Berkeley and Rutgers University in the Landscape Continuing Education for many years. Moyer had also studied plant identification, plant propagation and pathology, garden design and layout at UC Berkeley, Merritt College, and local Extension courses for years. Some of her lighting projects include of Levi Plaza (San Francisco); the Detroit Civic Center; several city blocks in downtown Tacoma, Washington for Pierce Transit and many others.
- Author of The Landscape Lighting Book and She Paints With Light, Volume 2