We Build Professionals

Celebrating 25 years of excellence in education.


Faculty/Instructor Authorization Process

The GENESIS curriculum is developed and continuously updated by faculty advisors. Each course is developed using experts from specified fields of expertise, as necessary; in many instances, there are multiple instructors per course to deliver the education.  As a part of PHTA and with the recent harmonization of GENESIS and the CBP program, we have documented the process to become an instructor.

Interested in becoming an instructor?

Submit the following to education@phta.org.

  • The course you are interested in teaching.
  • An explanation as to why you are qualified to teach
  • A resume or CV that shows show expertise in the subject matter, as well as teaching experience.
  • A short video of you teaching.
  • 2 references from the organizer

Once received, the package will be sent to the appropriate faculty advisor chair and that chair will review and contact the interested instructor.  The current faculty chairs are as follows:

  • Construction – Skip Phillips
  • Design – Kate Wiseman
  • Engineering – Terry Brannon
  • Business – Brian van Bower

The candidate and chair will set up an interview/meeting to discuss the role of instructors and ask any pertinent questions. 

If the Chair feels confident with the candidate, the candidate will be presented to the Faculty Advisory Group for approval.

If approved by the Faculty Advisory Group, the instructor will go through training and shadow a current instructor at one of the events/courses.

PHTA Strategic Partners

  • BioLab
  • Fluidra
  • Hayward
  • Heritage Pool Supply Group
  • Lyon Financial
  • Pentair
  • Solenis
  • WatkinsWellness